Week 13 Part A: Online Advertising - Analysis of the Marketplace
I like net surfing. If only I have free time, I would open SNS and see posts aimlessly. For example, I look up posts from hashtags for something that I want now, restaurants or cafes I want to go to or see posts of my friends. It will immediately bring up ads related to what I've looked up. It is effective to draw my attention because it instantly shows what I am interested in. They use attractive pictures and text that are interesting. For example, if an advertisement promotes a product, they can say, "○○% off now!" showing the word in characters that are the full size of the screen. Most ads go directly to their homepage or product purchase screen as soon as you clicked.
However, If you click on an ad that has been posted on SNS once, related ads will be showed frequently for a long time. I was interested in it at first, but gradually I was getting annoyed and it was completely unnoticeable. Thus, too much advertising is counterproductive.
Compared to the advertising way in the past and the recent, newspapers, magazines, billboards, radio, TV, etc. are not for a specific person, but for everyone. So, they cannot catch someone's interest unless they who are interested in the content get to it. Therefore, I think that old advertizing way is inefficient compared to online advertising by SNS that can advertise to specific people to specific content.
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