Week 10 Part A: Researching Email Marketing

For my business, the information I would use for a newsletter is the recipe for events as what’s coming up. Example
• recipes using seasonal ingredients in spring
 strawberry smoothies, strawberry pancakes, strawberry salads, etc. 
• recipes for events

I think that recipes for dishes that use seasonal ingredients and dishes that can be eaten at events are easy to catch the eye. Seasonal integrants are also sold at a cheap price, thus you can cook effectively. 

In my opinion, newsletter is always too much. Sending too much would have the negative effect, because these emails accumulate in the box and be deleted without being read. Therefore, I think I should send one once or twice a month to make sure everyone who received it read.


  1. Hello Haruka: I think the same thing you do, some people can apply newsletters that are absolutely necessary (for example send recipies out to subscribrers of cooking classes).

  2. Hi Haruka,

    The information you chose to add to your newsletter would be extremely useful. Seasonal recipes is definitely something that would catch my eye. I think that you are spot on with sending newsletter out one or twice a month. If you are sending them out too frequently it could get a little overwhelming for some.

  3. I totally agree with newsletters being too frequent sometimes and once or twice a month is probably reasonable, especially with recipes. I think it would be cool to have a new recipe sent to me every few weeks, it's a good way to keep your brand connected with your fans and customers. Nice!

  4. One thing that might be fun is to explain ingredients that are unique to Japanese cuisine. I took a classes a long time ago and we were told what the properties of the food were. Like burdock radish is helpful when having greasy food. And other foods that benefited certain organs. Or a philosophy on how to combine certain foods. And like everyone else , getting recipe is quite a bonus! I would feel very special getting your secrets!


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