Week 4 Part A: Defining Target Markets


When I opened the website, the first thing I saw was information about COVID-19. You can clearly see how they are offering their products to customers in the safety environment, and customers can purchase products without any concerns. It also caught my eyes at the first was fresh and healthy food, what they are selling. They show customers their environmental policy that they understand the global environment as an important management resource, consider harmony with the environment in all activities and daily life at the headquarters and stores, and pass on a sustainable recycling-oriented society to the next generation. On their menu, in addition to the standard sunditch, there are children's menus and healthy sandwiches. The large menu makes it available to people of all generations, and customers can always eat fresh sandwiches.

Hungry Bear
I have never eaten at this restaurant before, and this is my first time to visit their website. It was impressive that their symbol is greatly shown on the to of the website. It's a bear smiling with a sandwich. This has the effect of making it easier for customers to remember the company's name and birthplace. On their menu, they have various sandwitch menues; however, they do not have any pictures of sandwitches, This is very inconvenient for customers as long as they order online they cannot actually see the product and cannot ask the clerk about their products directly. On their About page, they only describes their name and location. It's a local sandwich shop, so you should provide more detailed shop information. For example, the reason why this store was opened, the origin of the store's name, etc.

I chose this set because Subway is a globalized business and Hungry Bear is a local business, and I thought it would be a good example to make a striking comparison of how marketing would change by broading the horizons of their target. 
Compared to these websites, Subway, which is marketing on a global scale, has detailed hygiene and environmental aspects and COVID-19 information in order to gain the trust of its customers. Hungry Bear does not provide any information about COVID-19 and no information about the environment were given. Regarding the menu, Subway had pictures on all products, but Hambury Bear had the products described by letters without pictures. Even if a big company like Subway do not list the pictures, customers can almost imagine what their product looks like, but the products in the local store are people like me who have never eaten, since there are many, it is convenient for customers to put a picture of the product and it leads to their promotion. Regardless of the size of the company, I think it's important for anyone ordering food online to have a photo. The information they provide to your website depends on the size of your marketing scale, but I think it's important to create a website that makes customers want to train their products, regardless of size. Online shopping is indispensable for us living in this COVID society now, so I think that local companies should have all information about hygiene and environmental aspects like Subway do.


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